Commissioned for Christ
Min. Charmissa D. Biscoe
Reflecting His Excellence
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7
The Grief Recovery Method®
As a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, I am able to guide you through The Grief Recovery Method ® (GRM). The GRM is a step by step process – an “action program” - for unlocking and respecting the emotional experience of our grief – both the immediate or presenting grief issues – and those that may have been holding us captive for years. Often, the most recent or presenting loss is actually made more difficult by related experiences from our past which were not recognized or addressed at the time – adding weight to that resulting from the current loss.
Through a defined step-by-step process, the GRM first explores the “old, ineffective tools” we’ve been using, with the belief that it’s hard to learn new tools if we don’t understand why the old ones might not have been effective. Then, the process shifts to the introduction of new tools which can be used across a wide gamut of losses – from persons, to pets, to hopes and dreams and expectations, to those intangible things like trust, safety or faith. At every step the griever is respected, listened to and heard without judgement or analysis, and is supported in identifying and giving voice to the array of emotions that accompany the full extent of the loss. Once the GRM process is completed for one loss, it can be used over and over again, to address other past losses, and to help more quickly address new losses.
As someone who has recently been through this process and is currently working through additional losses, all I can tell you is that concerning the loss of my father, I healed more in 2 1/2 days (during training) than I did in the 2 1/2 years since losing him. My grief changed through this process and I found an additional peace that I didn't realize I needed. This is an emotional process! And while I truly don't know how I would have gotten through these last almost 3 years without my faith, I do know that this process can help anyone, no matter what your belief system may be. Contact us for a FREE Consultation!i
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What people are saying...
Many people are concerned about trying to deal with their grief. But the process that Charmissa uses helps you work through your grief. Allowing you to address the pain which is very important. The GRM is worth every tear, and every ounce of effort. As Charmissa would say “it’s some hard heart work”. Without realization I have recommended Charmissa to so many people because of her soothing voice and charismatic personality. Her personality, tone and demeanor is amazing. She is very personable and comforting. I would highly recommend her to each and every person who not only needs assistance with grief recovery but to anyone who could use some guidance.
-Jeleesa T.